Westpoint Electronics France, Westpoint appliances are sold in more than 70 countries around the world with top class warranty. Conceived by creative designers in France, and produced in world class factories. Westpoint is known for its good quality products in reasonable price. It has great range of products used to reduce your effort in daily life, so you can enjoy more life.
Kiran Verified Buyer
Good machine. Fully functional but I felt a little difference in the temperature of upper n lower plates. Upper plate doesn’t give very very deep impression n also cooks slowly. Lower is just perfect. Well this can b manufacturing fault not s big deal as I flip waffles in between. Happy with my purchase. Too good in this price. Thanks
Adeela Verified Buyer
Excellent quality , ordered electric item first time from jilito! Satisfied and highly recommended ! ๐๐
Naveed Verified Buyer
Product is satisfactory.